Meshtastic South East Mesh

South East Mesh Network is a loose knit community of people building a mesh network using Meshtastic radios in the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area as well as the South East Corridor. This network acts in part as a state-wide text messaging system with nationwide capabilities, allowing people to communicate publicly or privately with anyone on the network.

We are just getting started and a lot of details are still being figured out. Stay tuned to this site for more info as things come into better focus.

Please consider joining us on the South East Mesh Discord
or email the admin at

You can find us on;

  • Channel: SEM
  • Pass: AQ==
  • Mesh: msh/US


  • Channel: Long Fast
  • Pass:AQ==
  • Mesh: msh/US/SEM

Click here for discord invite.